Today I am partying in Grow your blog
So glad you made it too.
I welcome all gatecrashers of course
as no law I enforce
I am a painter and doll creator
sometimes a bit of an illustrator.
I have a little helper
she is a right bright little belter.
She came from nowhere and is here to stay
Together we began a blog
as all good girls we needed a bit of a flog
Her name is Lottie and she can be a bit pottie.
but that I am not
What I''Manon'' and Lottie have in common is we like to have a break
existing of coffee and cake
Lottie is shy in earning the pie
where as I am not
i may even sell you my cooking pot
but for today we both say
we are having a litlle giveaway
If you want to be in to win this pin
enter a comment by the first of February
no requirements necessary
Just a little love if you can bare to part with it :)